Sustainable procurement
As a company with strong standards for sustainability performance, we take into consideration social, ethical and environmental criteria when selecting suppliers.
We aim to ensure and expect our suppliers to have standards in place in various areas
Reduce impact on environment
Compliance with global standards
Contribute to society
Our activities
Check suppliers emissions and impact
Control and reduction of our supplier’s environmental impact.
Supplier’s compliance
Enforce generally accepted international principles for human rights, laws and regulations on suppliers and other stakeholders.
Engaging other stakeholders
Actively encourage supplier’s social responsibility and contribution to a better society through programs and activities.
Know more about our plans and progress so far
Recently, we have begun documenting our sustainability progress and committed to create a sustainability progress and goals report every year. The Sustianbaility statement, Vision 2030 and the ESG Declaration will soon be available. Download the most recent reports on sustainability, future plans and progress at Van Ameyde when available.
Sustainability Statement
Our transition plan towards sustainability.
Vision 2030
Plans for the Net zero transition.
ESG declaration
Compliance with GRI standards in line with the ESG declarations.