

Hos Van Ameyde er vi dedikerede til, at du får succes med at navigere i forsikringsbranchens kompleksitet. Vores engagement rækker ud over ren service; det omfatter en dybtgående forståelse af dine unikke behov og udfordringer. Uanset om du er et forsikringsselskab, en mægler eller en virksomhed, er vi her for at give dig skræddersyede løsninger, der øger effektiviteten, mindsker risici og forbedrer din operationelle ekspertise. Læs succeshistorier fra vores andre værdsatte kunder nedenfor.


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Gránit Biztosító Zrt.: Optimum Solutions

“We also attach great importance to the highly qualified processing of our cases, especially for major claims. For over ten years now, Van Ameyde and its subsidiary Interschaden have fully met these extremely high demands. Van Ameyde is our ideal business partner.”

Læs mere om Gránit Biztosító Zrt.: Optimum Solutions

Omocom: Circular Economy

“The sharing economy requires trust to work. Working with Van Ameyde, we can offer the security people need to feel before they take that leap.”

Læs mere om Omocom: Circular Economy

Lemonade: Instant Everything

Lemonade, the insurance market’s most talked about disruptor, is powered by artificial intelligence and driven by social good. When the company officially unveiled its insurance to the European market, Van Ameyde immediately came into the picture.

Læs mere om Lemonade: Instant Everything

Darag: The Origin of Value

“Van Ameyde is knowledgeable and experienced in their field, which ensured a good working relationship through the life of the project.”

Læs mere om Darag: The Origin of Value


Story service